The Positive Power of Wearables

– Teresa Madaleno: You might think that wearables have come a long way in a short period of time, but the truth is, the first wearable computer was developed by a mathematics professor named Edward Thorp back in the 1960’s. Today, modern devices like smart watches and fitness trackers have popularized wearable technology. What makes […]
How to Become More Eco-Friendly When It Comes to Your Electronics

– Lane Simond: The holidays are just around the corner and that means a lot of shiny new electronics will be under the tree. For some of us the consequences of having a new gadget can kill the excitement of receiving something that is better and faster. Climate concerns associated with energy usage and the […]
What the Full Force of Digitization Means to Sparta’s Environment Division

– Teresa Madaleno: Technology is now a big part of just about every industry. In fact, technology adoption has led to a massive amount of data generation. This is great because more data provides us with more information to produce better results. It allows us to uncover problems and find solutions, as well as improve […]
Tribute to John O’Bireck

Sparta President/ CTO/ Visionary 02/01/1958 – 10/18/2023 The news of John O’Bireck’s death was met with the deepest of shock and sorrow. He truly was a powerful force when at work and while giving back to his community. He is missed by so many. John left us way too early, but he will never be […]
Four Ways Digital Tech Can Help Your Health in 2024

– Teresa Madaleno: A new year is traditionally a time that signifies a fresh start for many people. One of the more common goals is committing to a healthier lifestyle. Technology is expected to play a big part in healthy living in 2024. Unfortunately, it seems that year-after-year many people break their new year commitments […]
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